How to Submit Your Song to A Spotify Playlist

Spotify playlists could be your golden ticket – your gateway to hundreds of listeners.

But here’s the catch – your tracks won’t catapult to fame all by themselves.

You have to put in some work to get playlisted, and submitting to playlists is a playing field all in its own.

Our mission in this post?

To give your music its well-deserved flight.

We’ll be revealing your step-by-step pathway to the Spotify playlist submission success and unveil strategies to increase your chances of getting on Spotify playlists

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the keys to navigate the labyrinth that is Spotify playlist submissions. 

What Spotify Playlists Can I Submit to?

Let’s kick it off by getting a grip on the different types of Spotify playlists. By understanding these, you can craft a submission strategy that caters specifically to the playlist you’re aiming for.

Quick note here- not all playlists are created equal! 

Handily, Spotify divides their playlists into three main categories: 

1. Spotify Algorithmic Playlists 

These are your Discover Weekly, Daily Mix, and Release Radar playlists. 

Spotify uses its super-smart algorithms (don’t ask, it’s way above our pay grade) to fill these lists based on what the listener has been vibing with recently. Spotify claims they’re not just randomly throwing songs out there. Seriously, each song on your Discover Weekly list is handpicked and it’s crazy good.

You actually can’t submit to algo playlists, but if you want to learn how to get on algorithmic playlists, check out our full guide here.

2. Spotify Editorial Playlists 

Editorial Playlists like New Music Friday or All New Metal are carefully curated by an elite squad of music-expert elves at Spotify.

Okay, they’re not elves, but wouldn’t that be cool?

These experts choose the tracks based on various factors – genre, mood, current trends, etc.

Consider these playlists the VIP section of Spotify; it’s where your track wants to be seen. 

3. Spotify Listener Playlists 

This is the wild west of Spotify – the playlists created by everyday users like you and me. Although there’s no guarantee of getting thousands of ears on your music here (Jerry’s “Best Garage Punk Polka Remixes ’06” playlist might not have a massive following), there are certainly some playlists that could give you a good boost! 

Benefits of Getting on a Spotify Playlist

Oh, the joy of getting your song on a playlist! 

It’s not just about bragging on Facebook to piss off the other local band – though we’ll admit, that’s a pretty sweet bonus. There’s much more to it, and it all boils down to two key words: exposure and credibility

Exposure – Land on a big-time Spotify playlist and watch your streams go brrrr. Your music can reach countless ears across the globe, opening doors to cross-continental opportunities and, indeed, more fans. 

Then there’s credibility – that badge of honor that has us puffing our chests out like a proud peacock. Making it onto a playlist, especially an editorial one, is a seal of approval from the Spotify gods themselves, signifying that your music isnt just noise – it’s worth listening to. 

The Active vs Passive Listeners Conundrum 

Let’s blow the lid off of the audience dynamic within Spotify playlists.

Listeners on Spotify truly boil down to two categories – either ‘active’ or ‘passive’.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Passive listeners are those casual streamers who might discover your track on a whim through a playlist – they’re here for a listen, but not always here for the long haul. Kind of like that impromptu coffee date – you both showed up, but will there be a second cup? Don’t hold your breath. 

Active listeners, however, are committed explorers who follow you, consume your music avidly, and support your journey. Think of them as the die hard music fans – the fans who would go to your shows, get your lyrics tatted, etc.

We all want active listeners.

And passive listeners can turn into active listeners.

But it’s a small conversion rate.

Just look at what happens when you get removed off of playlists:

It’s undeniably fabulous to catch the ear of passive listeners, seeing listener and stream spikes, but the surge is often fleeting.

For a long-lasting impact on Spotify, it’s important to remember, while landing on playlists is great, it’s not the be-all and end-all strategy for music promotion. We still urge artists to engage in organic and paid marketing tactics to reach music fans on social and trigger algorithmic playlists.

How to Submit Your Song for Editorial Playlists

It’s time to prepare your song submission for Spotify’s editorial playlists. Ready? Set. Submit! 

First thing’s first. You’ll need to have your songs distributed to Spotify through a music distributor—no secret handshakes or coded messages necessary. Distributors are the trusted middle-person that delivers your tracks right to Spotify’s sonic doorstep. 

We recommend using DistroKid (by clicking this link you understand I may earn a small commision if you sign up at no extra cost to you).

Once you’ve done this, voila! – you are officially part of the music library and you can proceed to the next step. Grab a cup of coffee—you’re going to need that productive buzz. 

Step One: Get Access to Spotify for Artists 

Spotify for Artists is your backstage pass to the labyrinth that is Spotify’s playlist curation. Here, you get to manage your profile and submit unreleased songs for Spotify’s editorial team to consider.

Step Two: Initiate Song Submission 

Once you’re all set up on Spotify for Artists, head over to the ‘Music’ then ‘Upcoming’ sections. Simply click on the ‘+Submit a Song’ button and let the journey truly begin. 

Step Three: Provide Detailed Information 

Gather ’round, this is where you need to give Spotify the juicy details about your song. Genre, mood, instrumentation, language–the more specific you get, the better. It’s also your chance to share the story behind your song—making their editors’ headphones buzz with anticipation! 

You can master the art of pitching to editors with our guide here.

Step Four: Submit and Play the Waiting Game 

The final step is just a button press away. You did it! Submit your song and then… wait. And wait. And wait a bit more. It might feel like you’re waiting for a kettle to boil while watching it, but hang in there–good things (like playlist placements) often take time. 

How to Submit Your Song to Listener Playlists

Unlike the Algorithmic and Editorial Playlists, Listener Playlists are user-generated. Joe from next door could have a playlist with a gazillion followers (yes, we’re exaggerating, but hey, why not aim for the stars?)

While you can’t directly submit your songs to Listener Playlists via Spotify, there are a few ways to reach these folks. 

Search for Playlists Directly in Spotify (Desktop Only)

A bit of cyber-stalking never hurt anyone, right? You simply need to enter “@gmail” in the search bar, and you’ll see playlists with emails in the description to submit your track to. Just remember, these curators are human beings too, so be sure to compose your queries with a dash of courtesy and a sprinkle of professionalism.

Playlisting Services

Another option is to use playlisting services, but mind you – this strategy isn’t without its pitfalls.

Some of these services are like wolves in sheep’s clothing, promising you the moon and stars but delivering only bots and fake streams. 

But hey, I’m not saying all playlisting services are out to rob you blind.

There are upright ones out there, working earnestly to help you reach more ears, and follow Spotify’s terms and conditions.

They pitch you out to different playlists (similar to what a PR firm does with blogs) and you **hopefully** get playlisted.

Find out the top 5 playlisting services here.

The Dangers of Playlisting

Let’s have a serious moment here, though – we need to discuss the dark alleyways of the music world.

Ever stumbled across the term ‘payola’? It refers to the sticky, and let’s be honest, somewhat dirty practice of offering compensation in exchange for a playlist add.

It’s a big no-no to engage in payola on Spotify. If a curator asks you for financial compensation in exchange for playlist placement, it’s time to politely bow out of the conversation. Have your beats, not your bank balance, do the talking – authenticity always wins the day. Spotify is firm on this! They’ve officially declared such practices as in clear violation of their terms. Your music getting taken down is not worth the bump in streams (articial or not).

So, as eager as you may be to see your number of streams hitting the stratosphere – remember: if they want your money?

Simply smile, wave, and walk away.

Keep your creative integrity intact and let your music do its magic.

Best Practices for Pitching Your Song

Got your song ready to roll? Sweating over the best way to pitch it to Spotify’s playlist curators?

Sit back, shake off the nerves, and remember the golden rule – everyone loves a good story.

Topics you wouldn’t discuss even with your trusted friends might be the very thing to hook curators in.

So dig deep, find your narrative, and be prepared to share it.

Let’s nail this pitch. 

Understand the Playlist 

Research is your best friend and should be an integral part of your pitch. Spotify playlists are diverse – there’s something out there for every song. Identify where your music fits best. Not just in terms of genre, but moods, moments, or activities. Once you know your target, tailor your pitch appropriately. A mismatch here is like asking a metalhead to dance to pop – it just won’t work! 

Highlight your Unique Sound 

Your music has something unique – there’s no doubt about it. What is that special something? Is it a dash of unexpected jazz in a pop track? Or a beautiful cross-over of folk and electronic? Whatever it is that makes your sound uniquely ‘you’, highlight it in your pitch. Unique is exciting, and exciting leaps off the page – or in this case, out of the speaker. 

Previous Successes Matter 

Humility is great – but if there’s ever a time to boast about the Spotify algorithm noticing you – it’s now. Managed to receive high listens or gained large followers previously? That’s a headline right there. Playlist curators want to know your track record. It’s like telling them you’re a safe bet – people love you, and you’re likely to be loved by their playlist listeners too! 

Create a Journey, Not Just a Pitch 

Remember that golden rule we spoke about earlier? We weren’t kidding. People are drawn to stories – it’s in our DNA. When you submit your song, don’t just focus on the music itself. Tell the story behind it. Make is a sweet, melodious journey. It could be anything – the late-night jamming session that inspired it, the heartbreak that fueled it, the happy moment it was meant to celebrate. Details matter, and stories sell

A well-pitched song holds the key to unlocking vast audiences and taking your music career to new heights. And remember, in the race for Spotify playlist selections, it isn’t just about being heard – it’s about being unforgettable.

We have a step by step guide on how to contact Spotify playlist curators as well.

Remember, it’s about painting a journey with your pitch, knowing your audience, and of course, letting your unique sound shine. Yes, playlisting may feel like a waiting game, but patience, my friends, often strikes the sweetest chord.

Now, with these tools in your repertoire, go forth and make your mark on dem playlists. Because after all, turning heads is great, but turning ears? Now, that’s music to ours!

When you’re ready to take the next step and get on more Spotify playlists, launch a campaign with us and let our music promotion services skyrocket your playlist strategy!

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