You are officially in the cool kids club (AKA a group of music industry folk that are ready to level up their marketing game)
You’ll be getting an email with your download soon.
3 things so you DON’T f!@# up:
1) Access your doc via email and bookmark the Notion page; do not duplicate
Do not duplicate it into your account – you won’t get the automatic updates I push through regularly to the resource.
2) Consider joining our Viral Song Club
You’ll find out, in dummy-proof detail, exactly how to:
- Build a “target market” and appeal to them
- Find and contact press outlets in a way that gets positive responses
- Run advertising campaigns in a professional, effective way that makes you seem like a “hot new sound” instead of a desperate independent artist yearning for attention
3) Watch our FREE training on music marketing
Here is a peek at what you’ll find inside our courses:
Courses not the vibe? Don’t have time? Hit us up instead and we can do this completely done-for-you.
Here are just some of our results from our marketing strategies that you can copy-paste from VSC

Some of our members include:

How much is Viral Song Club?
Not $1,000 – though I know many artists would gladly pay it. (I would have!)
It’s not even $100.
Access to VSC is only $242.
For life.
Or you can access it for a measly $12.88 per month.
Our Course Library:

+ more to come very soon!
What others are sayin’
Jack, Night Without Cars / Parris Mitchell
Zach Brennan, Bansheekid
Bonus! With your new membership today, you’ll get:
Contact Sheet Premium ($497 value – yours FREE)
This list of 750+ Spotify curators, blogs, radio shows and more are publications that I’ve hand-selected for being receptive to new music creators. Simply reach out with the templates included in the course and open your inbox the next day to responses.
All Future Marketing Tools (Over $2,000 in value – yours FREE)
How do you do email marketing? What about creating a high-profit merch store? Or easily build an eye-catching, intuitive website? All of these topics will be covered in future courses slated for release over the next year, and with your Academy membership, they’re yours FREE the second they’re released.
The offer today isn’t for a one-and-done product. Technology and the music industry itself are changing, and we’ll keep you informed on how to stay on top of it so you and your music can benefit.
So what now? You have 3 (and only 3) choices:
1) Forget anything you read here. Forget you heard of me or my system. Go back to normal life and try to enjoy what you have. I wish you nothing but luck, I didn’t enjoy treading water and staying small but you can write your own destiny.
2) Use my experience as inspiration. Obviously, my system works and I have the success stories to prove it. If you don’t like being taught, or if you like figuring things out on your own (not recommended) then you don’t need my help at all.
3) Skip all the hard stuff and I’ll just show you how to make the music industry work for you. You can “skip the line” and get all the happiness, motivation, and results that comes from my proven system… and start making progress today.
Seriously. Get the help you need right now!
You didn’t read through this big old page just for fun.
I remember what it was like to look at solutions square in the face and then wonder “meh, is this for me?”
All that hesitating cost me A LOT of time, money and happiness.
I don’t know how else to say it. This is the solution you’ve been waiting for.
I am really invested in helping you pour some rocket fuel on your music career.
Let’s do this!
To becoming your best you,
Anthony Pacheco
PS! If you scrolled all the way to the bottom to see what this costs and what it’s about, here it is:
You get all the copy-paste templates for reaching out to the music industry’s “gatekeepers” in a way that makes them want to promote you.
You also get step-by-step instructions on getting real, human fans through social media – the kind that like, comment, buy your stuff, and come to shows.
I’ve reverse engineered what it takes to get “discovered” and grow, and you can follow these steps in elementary detail.
All that for just 99 bucks 🙂
Don’t have time for a course? You can hire me to do this stuff instead!