For growth-oriented singers, musicians, bands and rappers:

5 Ways to increase your streams

Here’s The Shortcut To Get
Thousands of REAL, Human

Grow your influence, get more plays, and make an income from your music

In an industry over cluttered by countless artists all trying to “make it,” the same old ways no longer work.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably like the OLD me: 

Talented, dedicated, optimistic, yet somehow, completely unknown.

My name is Anthony Pacheco and I went from no-name band member to charting on Billboard with my very first album.

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You’ve probably seen my work if you’ve ever seen advertisements from:


But just a few short years ago, the band I was in, Dwellings, wasn’t signed by any label. We had a small but loyal fan base, but it just wasn’t growing.

At the time I was 100% musician and 0% marketer. We simply didn’t know how to amplify our voice and get our name out there without just bothering strangers.

Turns out that just sharing our tracks on social media was exactly what every other musician was doing.

We were camouflaging in.

Not standing out.

And we were stagnating because of it.

How to market effectively and grow exponentially

By switching gears and utilizing a few easy strategies, we were able to explode our fan base while simultaneously getting featured in Alternative PressNew Fury Media, and even charted Billboard on our debut album. 

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Instead of continuing to “pound the pavement” and force feed our music to people who clearly weren’t interested, we flipped the script and simply put ourselves in front of the fans who were most likely to enjoy our music, then let them come to us.

The process is simple:

– Target THE RIGHT audience

– Pique their interest in a meaningful, irresistible way

– Leverage Spotify’s own algorithm to snowball that success and attract EVEN MORE fans

This process isn’t complicated to do.

It doesn’t require a record label or manager.

You don’t have to “know somebody on the inside.”

And best of all, it works regardless of what type of genre you’re in, or who your core audience is.

Use Facebook and Instagram in a way that WORKS

Using Facebook’s insanely powerful advertising A.I., you can find new listeners with insane accuracy for just pennies on the dollar and minutes per day.

Few people realize just how powerful the artificial intelligence of Facebook is.

Even fewer are properly utilizing it.

But when leveraged correctly, tools like Facebook Audience Insights, Spotify for Artists and Facebook Ads Manager basically give you an unfair advantage.

And in a world where 40,000 new songs get released on Spotify EVERY DAY, it’s important to take every leg-up you can get!

Introducing: Academy:

An End-To-End Tutorial For Getting Fans, Features, and Upward Movement
in your Music Career

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I created Academy to be the tutorial I wish my band would have discovered years ago.

You’ll find out, in dummy-proof detail, exactly how to:

– Build a “target market” and appeal to them

– Find and contact press outlets in a way that gets positive responses

– Run advertising in a professional, effective way that makes you seem like a “hot new sound” instead of a desperate independent artist yearning for attention

What others are sayin'

Jack, Night Without Cars / Parris Mitchell


Zach Brennan, Bansheekid

Some of our results:

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Some of our members include:

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+ many more!

Academy is a step-by-step video library that will teach you:

– How to advertise different angles to different audiences and find the niche that “clicks”

– How to use the psychological laws of content marketing to explode your streams, merch sales and fan base

– How to SCALE UP by understanding the nuts and bolts of public relations, online advertising and Spotify playlisting

– How to reach out and contact the “decision makers” of the music industry in order to be featured, written about and followed. (Includes dozens of easy templates you can just copy, paste, and send!)

Our Course Library:

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+ more to come very soon!

How much is Academy?

Not $1,000 – though I know many artists would gladly pay it. (I would have!)

It’s not even $100.

Access to Academy is only $99.

For life.

Bonus! With your new membership today, you'll get:

Contact Sheet Premium ($497 value – yours FREE)

This list of 750+ Spotify curators, blogs, radio shows and more are publications that I’ve hand-selected for being receptive to new music creators. Simply reach out with the templates included in the course and open your inbox the next day to responses.

All Future Marketing Tools (Over $2,000 in value – yours FREE)

How do you do email marketing? What about creating a high-profit merch store? Or easily build an eye-catching, intuitive website? All of these topics will be covered in future courses slated for release over the next year, and with your Academy membership, they’re yours FREE the second they’re released.

The offer today isn’t for a one-and-done product. Technology and the music industry itself are changing, and we’ll keep you informed on how to stay on top of it so you and your music can benefit.

So what now? You have 3 (and only 3) choices:

1) Forget anything you read here. Forget you heard of me or my system. Go back to normal life and try to enjoy what you have. I wish you nothing but luck, I didn’t enjoy treading water and staying small but you can write your own destiny.

2) Use my experience as inspiration. Obviously, my system works and I have the success stories to prove it. If you don’t like being taught, or if you like figuring things out on your own (not recommended) then you don’t need my help at all.

3) Skip all the hard stuff and I’ll just show you how to make the music industry work for you. You can “skip the line” and get all the happiness, motivation, and results that comes from my proven system… and start making progress today.

Seriously. Get the help you need right now!

You didn’t read through this big old page just for fun.

I remember what it was like to look at solutions square in the face and then wonder “meh, is this for me?”

All that hesitating cost me A LOT of time, money and happiness.

I don’t know how else to say it. This is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

I am really invested in helping you pour some rocket fuel on your music career.

Let’s do this!

To becoming your best you,

Anthony Pacheco

PS! If you scrolled all the way to the bottom to see what this costs and what it’s about, here it is:

You get all the copy-paste templates for reaching out to the music industry’s “gatekeepers” in a way that makes them want to promote you.

You also get step-by-step instructions on getting real, human fans through social media – the kind that like, comment, buy your stuff, and come to shows.

I’ve reverse engineered what it takes to get “discovered” and grow, and you can follow these steps in elementary detail.

All that for just 99 bucks 🙂

Don’t have time for a course? You can hire me instead!

Grow Your Fanbase in 30 Days or Less